Best route for driving from Gurgaon to Jaipur, New Delhi to Jaipur, Faridabad to Jaipur

If you are planning to travel to Jaipur from Delhi, Gurgaon, Faridabad then our recent experience may help you a bit.

We recently traveled to Jaipur from Faridabad and were unsure about which route to take. A while later we decided to go with our comfort zone and not trust Google Maps, and we took the Delhi Jaipur Expressway/ Delhi Ajmer expressway. It turned out to be an unpleasant experience as there was huge traffic throughout the journey, there were a lot of trucks and roads were blocked in few areas as well. It took us about 6.30 hours when we had left at 11AM. 

In total, it costed us INR 400 from Gurgaon to Jaipur and following were the toll charges paid by us for a car in September 2023. 

  • Issuer Debit Transaction for toll fare - Daulatpura Toll Plaza    70
  • Issuer Debit Transaction for toll fare - Manoharpura Toll plaza    80
  • Issuer Debit Transaction for toll fare- Shahjahanpur Toll Plaza    170
  • Issuer Debit Transaction for toll fare - Kherki Daula Toll Plaza    80

On our way back to Faridabad, we took the Delhi Mumbai Expressway route. Since we didn't know the condition of the highway, we wanted to check it out. It turned out to be a pleasant experience as the roads were amazing, speed limit was 120km/hour on the expressway which was pretty decent. 

About the toll charges, it costed us INR 455 for Jaipur to Faridabad which was absolutely worth it as it took us only 3.9 hours to reach faridabad from jaipur as compared to 6 hours when we chose Delhi Jaipur Expressway. Following are the toll details - 


  • Issuer Debit Transaction for toll fare- Khalilpur Fee Plaza    325
  • Issuer Debit Transaction for toll fare - Kiranj Toll Plaza    50
  • Issuer Debit Transaction for toll fare - Rajadhok Toll Plaza    80

Below are the two videos of our journey and we hope that this may help you in planning your journey ahead :)


Video Url
Our long drive from Jaipur to New Delhi through Delhi Mumbai Expressway
Video Url
Our long drive from Faridabad, Gurgaon, Delhi to Jaipur through Delhi Jaipur Expressway - NH 48
